
Cotlands announced as first runners up in the ECD category at the NDA awards

Home / News 2015 / Cotlands announced as first runners up in the ECD category at the NDA awards

Johannesburg, 27 March 2015– Cotlands is proud to have been named first runner up at the National Development Agency (NDA) Early Childhood Development (ECD) Awards this year. The children’s development organisaion was awarded for their achievement in the ECD sector at a gala dinner hosted by the NDA at Monte casino last night (26 March 2015)

“This is an honour for us as the new kids on the block. To be recorgnised for our early learning playgroups after only two years in this sector is reaffirming and is significant achievement for Cotlands,” said Cotlands CEO, Jackie Schoeman.

Cotlands early learning playgroups is a non-centre based early childhood development programme that is holistic in its approach to addressing the needs of vulnerable children in South Africa.

Children registered in the programme receive a four hour high-impact programme twice a week. Each session includes two meals and when required children receive health and psychosocial intervention.

“Our early learning programmes allow us to provide the most vulnerable children in communities with the learning foundation they require to thrive as adults. The play based programme targets specific areas of development thus closing the learning gap experienced by more than half of SA’s children,” added Schoeman.

The ECD awards are championed by the National Development Agency in partnership with the South African Congress for Early Childhood Development, SABC Education, Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Social Development (DSD) and UNICEF.

The Awards take place on an annual basis, provincially and nationally, to recognise best practice and outstanding participation in ECD.

Cotlands was awarded second place for Best ECD Training and Intervention Programme in the National category.

Cotlands currently operates in five provinces (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu Natal, Eastern Cape, and Western Cape) with a sixth – North West – on the horizon.