Cotlands Integrated Report 2021
Our impact
9 383 total number of children we reached
46 early learning playgroups
5 698 toys lent out through toy libraries
40 054 meals served at our playgroups
Highlights for the year
Our online training initiative – Playsa.org – remains the largest of its kind in ECD in South Africa. In its third year, over 291 000 participants have registered to date, with over 195 000 learners completing one or more of the four online-based learning courses.
Toy library skills course
Launched the first accredited toy library skills course in the country. A total of 33 learners are completing an online Services SETA New Venture Creation: Toy Library Skills Development course (SAQA ID 66249: 28 credits).
Occupational Certificate Early Childhood Practitioner
Enrolled the first cohort of 32 learners embarking on an e-learning journey to obtain an accredited level four QCTO Occupational Certificate Early Childhood Practitioner (SAQA ID 97542: 131 credits). The accreditation of such an online course in the ECD sector is also a national first.
Zero-rated website
Developed a zero-rated website where the caregivers of children enrolled in Cotlands ELPGs can access videos and content relating to our early learning programme.
Electronic portfolio of evidence
Pioneering an electronic portfolio of evidence where the learner completes the portfolio online, uploads the evidence, and an e-assessor completes the assessment and provides real-time feedback to the learner.
Food parcels
Delivered 800 food parcels to families in our programme during the first three months of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Staff retention
Retained key personnel despite the extraordinarily difficult operating and financial contexts.
Virtual audit
Participated successfully in our first virtual financial and non-financial audit.
Developed an ethics statement and updating our whistle-blowing policy.
Virtual AGM
Hosted our 76th Annual General Meeting virtually with 52 online attendees who enjoyed participating in the online quiz that followed after the formalities were concluded.
Flagship online comedy event
Launched our flagship online comedy event supported by well-known local comedians, with 1 174 tickets sold.
Cost containment
Revolutionised our business model by transforming our work culture to that of remote working for employees responsible for supporting the implementation of our programmes. Moving to remote working also reduced our costs by R1 027k in FY2021 with a further saving of R2 737k expected in FY2022.
Internal communications
Deployed e-Cotlander, an electronic newsletter that is accessible to employees where critical information and policies are stored.