
A message from Monica

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Cotlands boldly ventures into many communities where early learning is regarded as a strange and foreign concept. But we know that we can change the way a community thinks, by winning over one parent at a time.
Training and capacitation is key to the success of this approach. And last year, we empowered 5 777 parents, practitioners and toy librarians through our workshops. Another 24 non-profit organisations in Gauteng and Mpumalanga were capacitated and supported to deliver 211 playgrounds and 24 new toy libraries.
Just think, when all these people begin winning over parents in their communities, we could see the start of an early learning revolution!
So please continue to support Cotlands, and ensure that we have the funds to employ, train and skill facilitators to take toy libraries to children in poor communities.
Thank you for being part of our early learning revolution!
Monica Stach Cotlands